We took part in the National Dog Show in the village called MOL and the International Dog Show in ADA.
On the first day was the national one, where we showed our two Japanese terriers. Our judge was Mrs. Saša Pešev (MK). Despite the very high temperature (greater than 35 degrees) and the fateful ring alignment (it was almost all in the sun), we were able to present our dogs nicely. Keru walked perfectly, he showed himself very well but it was to little to get the BOS but the judge liked Bayka and presented very well. That’s why the judge gave her a BOB. We stayed on BIS even if we knew that just local dogs used to win in Serbia. But we had our personal goal: we wanted to present a breed pair of Japanese terriers for the very first time. And we did it. Kery, Bayka and Oktawia presented good synchronization but it was not enough to be on the box.
The day after we were in Ada. It was a different show, held in the shadowed park. Our judge was Mr. Žarko Mikalack from Serbia. I think he saw our breed for the first time in his life. He liked Keru and Bayka a lot. Keru got a BOB and Bayka JBOB. The judged convinced us to stay on BIS but we went back home because of the distance.
We brought two titles from this trip: Junior Serbia Champion and Serbia Champion.