Byakuya-Meiji White Oleander made the history of the breed for the second time. First, she became the youngest representative of the Nihon teria breed winning the Junior Champion Title – Bayka won the Junior Slovenian Champion being 9 months and 2 days old. Six months later she is the youngest adult representative of the breed by winning the Hungarian Champion being 15 months and 2 days old. All thanks to a double victory on the shows in Komárom.
On the 19th of October Bayka presented fairly average, although the judge Jaroslav Kubala, the same man who gave Bayka Junior World Winner, rated Bayka perfectly, giving her CACIB and BOB. Thanks CACIB, Bayka launched the International Show Champion.
A day later Bayka showed up almost perfectly. She walked seautifully, stoodstable, has been very focused on Octavia. Of course, she let touch. The judge from Hungary, Csaba Denk, who had no illusions. Bayka got another CACIB (so was the Champion of Hungary) and BOB.
Another shows in less than a month.