FCI-Standard N° 259 / 20. 01. 1998 / GB
This breed was created by mating smooth-haired Fox Terriers, exported to Nagasaki from the Netherlands in the 17th century, to small-sized pointers or small-sized native dogs. Japanese Terriers were kept mainly as lap-dogs in ports such as Kobe and Yokohama.
The Japanese Terrier has a lively and cheerful character. Its planned
breeding started around 1920, and it was not until about 1930 that its
type became fixed.
Small-sized dog of smart appearance with a clear-cut and compact outline. The coat is very short, being about 2 mm in length.
The ratio of height at withers to length of body is 1 : 1. The nasal bridge and the skull are equal in length.
The Japanese Terrier is swift and lively in temperament.
Skull : Flat and moderately narrow.
Stop : Not too defined.
Moderately long, strong, gradually thicker towards the shoulders and free from throatiness.
Moderately thin; docked at the third or fourth joint.
- Shoulders : Sloping gently.
- Forearms : Straight, bones not too heavy.
- Thighs : Long.
- Stifle joint : Moderately angulated.
- Hock joint : Moderately angulated.
- Hock : Vertical.
Tightly closed, pads elastic; nails hard and preferably dark in
colour .
Light and agile.
Height for both dogs and bitches : approximately 30 – 36 cm.
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered as a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regardedshould be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Standard comes from FCI site