3.6.b. A listing broker should not allow an interested party to change the trading to a member of the listing broker`s company unless the listed dealer is prepared to first pay the broker who initiated the denials the full commission he would have received if that broker had concluded the sale in a normal manner, or unless: the brokers concerned may agree on other mutually satisfactory terms. 1.7 For the protection of all parties with whom it does business, the Broker will ensure that financial obligations and obligations relating to yacht transactions are made in writing, expressing the exact consent of the parties and that copies of such agreements are placed in the hands of all parties concerned at the time of their execution. 3.3 The Broker will cooperate with other brokers on the vessels it has listed on the basis of a central quotation whenever this is in the interest of the Seller and will share the commissions on a previously agreed basis. Negotiations on vessels registered on the basis of central registration are conducted with the listing broker and not with the seller, except with the consent of the listing broker. 4.1.b. The broker will inform the seller that any agreement that the seller has entered into with the shipyard regarding the commission fee will not affect the brokerage commission. YBAA`s Professional Standards and Ethics Committee advises members on how to reach an agreement on broker disputes – a great benefit of joining YBAA. Members of the Standards and Ethics Committee may sit as arbitrators or, due to geographical proximity, recommend other qualified members to help resolve disputes. This procedure allows the committee to hear all relevant facts at the same time and to have sufficient time to deliberate and make a decision.
For more information, please contact info@ybaa.com. The YBAA Member Directory is your complete resource for all YBAA member brokerage firms, affiliate members and individual brokers, including services, locations and websites. The directory also provides a comprehensive list of the association`s services, training programs, and member benefits, including YBAA`s Code of Ethics and Business Practices and industry resources. YBAA provides members with standardized, copyrighted contract forms for use in the United States and Canada, including: Yacht Purchase and Sale Agreement, Central Registration Agreement, Open Registration Agreement, and Yacht Acceptance. When used correctly, forms help clarify the terms and agreements between the seller/broker, buyer/seller and broker/broker. With co-op sales with other YBAA brokers, you know what to expect in terms of documents to sign. YBAA forms are available online free of charge to all members and are updated annually. 3.4 If a broker receives a central rating, they will endeavor to distribute the list to the appropriate brokers as soon as possible. Central lists and shared open lists are usually shared on a commission basis, agreed in advance as a guideline or agreed by the cooperating parties that have negotiated a particular sale. If the central broker or lender shows the boat or performs work that goes beyond the usual effort to provide registration and negotiate with the seller, the commission agreements should be reviewed by the parties involved. YachtCloser offers its customers an unlimited amount of document storage.
Whether you sold this boat one, two or five years ago, you can instantly print the previous documents in PDF format, email them or review them. If your client calls a year later and says they need a copy of an agreement with YachtCloser, provide your client with the requested information at the touch of a button. .